Luminator Destination Sign Manual
Service and Support Home » Service and Support From the specification and quotation stages, through the lifecycle of the fleet, Luminator Technology Group supports customers worldwide in delivering the ultimate passenger experience.
January 19, 2018 From Luminator Technology Group and Tolar Manufacturing Company have announced availability of high resolution digital smart shelter technology for North American transit agencies. The latest in shelter and station products, view more at From MobiVISION is a full color, high-resolution LED display solution suitable for video and advertising content in combination with route and destination information as well as service announcements.
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Luminator Destination Sign
From Luminator Technology Group’s BiStable display systems are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and require very little energy to display information. From The security and safety of passengers, drivers, and on-board property is a top priority for transit agencies. Some of the latest products and technologies on display at the American Public Transportation Association's Expo 2017. August 6, 2015 From Luminator Technology Group (LTG) announced the acquisition of Gorba/Invertag AG.