Golf Card Game With Skip Bo Cards

Skip-Bo is the ultimate sequencing card game from the makers of UNO! Zelda ocarina of time walkthrough. Players use skill and strategy to create stacks of sequentially numbered, ascending cards (2,3,4) until they have no more left to play. Once everyone is dealt their own personal stockpile of cards, play begins by drawing from a central pile and building up to four build piles.

The Skip-Bo wild cards break up static situations and may be played as any number. Use these cards wisely, for they can really help you beat your opponents! The first player to deplete all of his or her Skip-Bo stockpile cards is the winner! Includes 162 cards and instructions. Colors and decorations may vary. The product pictured is blue and red. The product received was green and orange!

How To Play Golf Card Game With Skipbo Cards


Amazon Skip Bo Card Game

With research, I learned that Mattel changed the colors two years ago. They have a right to do that (though I greatly preferred the older color scheme), BUT they should have changed the picture on their web site to reflect the new colors that would be delivered.

Golf Card Game With 9 Cards

Skip-Bo Rules PLAYERS: Six in partnership at a table. EQUIPMENT: Deck of 144 cards numbered one through twelve and eighteen Skip-Bo cards.Cards are ranked from one (1) low to twelve (12) high, with all Skip-Bo card being wild.

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