Buku Komunikasi Politik Pdf


Buku Komunikasi Politik

Buku Komunikasi Politik Pdf

The image of candidates in the elections of 2013 Jombang Regency. The purpose of this research is to outlining how the perception of a public with the typical culture of 'ijoan' and'abangan' toward the image of the Regent candidates done through the figure of a political, policy aspects, political parties, and the presentation of the candidate. This study uses qualitative methods by using the in-depth interview and major theories of perception. The results of this study showed that the perception is the end result of a series of stimuly process, selection, organization, and interpretation.

The process begins with the stimuli when voters see efforts to establish the candidate's image through the media campaign. After the stimuli is the selection, After the stimuli is selection, where the public of 'ijoan' and 'abangan' each have their own reasons for interested or not interested in candidates for Regent Jombang. After that begins the process of organization which at this stage the public of 'ijoan' and 'abangan' compose personal construction about aspects of the figure of the political, policy, political party and candidate presentations. At this stage, the cultural knowledge and experience turned into a framework of reference for the public of 'ijoan' and 'abangan'. The society of 'ijoan' tends to assess candidates based on Islamic and religious factors, whereas the society of 'abangan' tends to assess candidates based on some other factors such as the proximity with the figures either physical or residence without linking candidates with Islamic. In this study, the perception of each voter groups can be different if it based on personal constructs, frames of reference, and a field of experience. Sejak diberlakukannya pemilihan umum kepala daerah (Pilkada) secara langsung di Indonesia pada tahun 2005 yang dilandaskan pada UU Nomor 22 Tahun 2007 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pemilu, telah membawa Kabupaten Jombang untuk menyelenggarakan Pemilhan Bupati (Pilbup) secara mandiri dan otonom.

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