Family Reunion Noel Gourdin
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Brian Culbertson ft. Noel Gourdin- You're My Music - Duration: 4:47. Top Notch Music 390,252 views. Parker-Gardner-Moton Family Reunion 2012 - Duration.
Family Reunion Noel Gourdin
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Since he made his mid-2000s debut, Noel Gourdin, known most for the nostalgic and enduring 2008 hit ballad 'The River,' has been one of many artists one could cite in response to the complaint that post-millennial R&B artists lack soul. Born and raised in Brockton, Massachusetts, the singer and songwriter was brought up in the church and heard vintage and contemporary R&B sounds in his household, which enabled him to develop an appreciation for Otis Redding, Johnnie Taylor, Guy, and Jodeci. Summers spent in Pachuta, Mississippi with his grandparents deepened his connection to Southern soul and traditional gospel. As a youngster, he started writing, as well as performing, including shows for the local Boys & Girls Clubs.